it-1 pp. 862-863 Fornication ***FORNICATION
Illicit sex relations outside of Scriptural marriage. The Hebrew verb za·nah´ and its related forms convey the idea of harlotry, immoral intercourse, fornication, or prostitution. (Ge 38:24; Ex 34:16; Ho 1:2; Le 19:29) The Greek word translated "fornication" is por·nei´a. Regarding the meanings of por·nei´a, B. F. Westcott in his book Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (1906, p. 76) says: "This is a general term for all unlawful intercourse, (I) adultery: Hos. ii. 2, 4 (LXX.); Matt. v. 32; xix. 9; (2) unlawful marriage, I Cor. v. I; (3) fornication, the common sense as here [Eph 5:3]." Bauer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (revised by F. W. Gingrich and F. Danker, 1979, p. 693) defines por·nei´a as "prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse." Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. (Jude 7) The unlawful act of a rapist is fornication, but, of course, that does not make the person who is forcibly raped also a fornicator.